Look in the pool for 40 bullets and 8 health. Take the easy head shot, then go in the water. Get close to the edge of the pool, and his grenades will fall into the water, and not harm you. In the next area, go to your left, and a dinosoid will try to throw grenades at you. Go through and you will be able to get 7 blue health tokens, but you probably wont be needing them. Then hop down and blast the barrel to reveal a hidden crawlspace. You will be able to take some easy head shots on the raptoids with your bow up on the platform. Don't bother trying to kill them, and go quickly up the ladder for 6 yellow tokens. Be careful as you round the next corner, as 2 raptoids will try to ambush you. Shoot it, then grab the level 2 key that is plainly visible. The go down and proceed, you will encounter a raptoid. After you enter the portal, climb up the ladder ahead of you and grab the 6 yellow tokens on it. Now go back, and jump into the portal you found earlier.

Now, trace your steps back to the main harbor area and insert the energy cell into the activator. From there, leap over onto another ladder, and go get your pistol. Then go through the tunnel and leap over to where the portal is, but don't go in it. Before you take the power cell back down to the Distress Beacon, climb up the ladder next to the cell. Go up the ladder, and follow a trail of life force to a power cell. There is no way into it, so destroy the barrel next to it to reveal a hidden ladder (use your bow). Get out of the water, and walk up towards the boxes. Next, search in the 5 groves under the bridge for 5 additional red tokens. You should find 4 red tokens and 2 yellow. First, start off by jumping back into the water and exploring the sunken ship.